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Lexicon. Storie e architettura in Sicilia n. 7
Edited by Marco Rosario Nobile
80  pages
Format 21x29,7 
euro 15,00
To buy online this book and for the subscriptions to the six-monthly journal contact us

The 2008 coincides with two anniversaries: the first one is the centennial of the terrible Messina earthquake of 1908 which devastated the whole town and its surroundings; the second one is the devastating earthquake of 1968 that destroyed various villages in the Belice Valley. These tragic events left their mark on the history, on the landscape and on the collective memory. The issue analyzes some buildings in comparison with their previous aspect, considering which and how many parts of them have been saved or recuperated. Despite such dramatic devastation, the archives and the analysis of the past continue giving the image of Sicily as a rich and fertile land strictly connected to Europe.

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Lexicon. Storie e architettura in Sicilia n. 5-6
Edited by Marco Rosario Nobile
144  pages with colour plates
Format 21x29,7 
euro 30,00
To buy online this book and for the subscriptions to the six-monthly journal contact us

In this double issue, as in the previous ones, the journal aims to spread researches and information about the history of architecture in Sicily and in the Mediterranean region. In particular, this issue is dedicated to the architecture of 15th and 16th centuries, from late Gothic to Renaissance. It analyzes this interesting period with special attention to the connections with the others European contexts and thanks to the contribution of young and illustrious experts, such as Adriano Ghisetti and Fernando Marias.

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Lexicon. Storie e architettura in Sicilia n. 4
Edited by Marco Rosario Nobile
88  pages
Format 21x29,7 
euro 15,00
To buy online this book and for the subscriptions to the six-monthly journal contact us

In its 4th issue, as in the previous ones, the journal aims to spread researches and information regarding the history of architecture in Sicily. In particular, it tries to go beyond the geographical borders of the island, starting from the Sicilian history and expanding then the reflection on the whole Mediterranean area.

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Lexicon. Storie e architettura in Sicilia n. 3
Edited by Marco Rosario Nobile
80  pages with colour plates
Format 21x29,7 
euro 15,00
To buy online this book and for the subscriptions to the six-monthly journal contact us

The third edition of Lexicon concerns the Sicilian religious architecture during the period between the first half of the eighteenth century and the second half of nineteenth century.
In particular, the authors offer some significant episodes of Sicilian architectural history not yet well-known among the public opinion. These episodes deal with the complicated construction happenings on the Jesuit Church in Trapani; the history of a religious building, the S. Lucia al Borgo Church in Palermo, no more existent because of the damages caused by the last war; the events related to the construction of San Basilio Cathedral in Ragalbuto (Catania).
In the second part some unpublished drawings are offered, such as that one made by the Sicilian architect Giovanni Amico on the occasion of the restoration of San Pietro cupola in Rome, giving evidence on the constant and close relationship established by the Island with the external areas.

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Annual series
Eksédra 2007
disegno rilievo progetto comunicazione visiva

edited by Farizio Avella, Gianmarco Girgenti, Olivia Longo, Romina Pistone

198 colour pages

Format 21 x 24
ISBN 13: 978-88-89440-15-5

€ 27,00

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This is the first volume of a annual series managed by the Department of Graphic Representation of Palermo University, with the aim of giving space to the positive contribution of professors and scholars joined by the common interest in representation and survey.
The volume is organised in three section: Theory, Territory and City, Historiography and Analysis, as a result of three disciplines’ interaction ( drawing, survey and architectural planning) with the contribution of other subject (Art and visual communication, history of architecture and representation, analysis of the city and territory, digital representation).

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Lexicon. Storie e architettura in Sicilia n. 2
edited by Marco Rosario Nobile 
88  pages 
Format 21x29,7
euro 15,00
To buy online this volume and for the subscription to the six- monthly journal contact us
As the third, the main purpose of the second volume of this journal is to spread research and information on the architecture in sicily. The book tries going beyond the geographical borders of the Island and giving a widest vision of the Sicilian history. It could be mentioned, for instance, an article on J. B. Churriguera, one of the main personality of the Spanish baroque, or that one on the Norman architecture, analysed through the drawings of French “Pensionnaires”, young architecture students of the 20th century.

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Lexicon. Storie e architettura in Sicilia n. 1

edited by Marco Rosario Nobile

88 pages

euro 15,00

euro 30,00
To buy online this book and for the subscriptions to the six-monthly journal contact us

The journal intend to spread research and information regarding the history of architecture in Sicily, not focusing the attention exclusively on edifices built in the island, but also trying to shed light on the connection between the Sicilian architect and the contemporaneous events in Italy, in Europe and in the Mediterranean basin, and to seek that useful contacts that permitted the achievement of works and projects of primary importance.
The first volume of this six-monthly journal concerns Messina between the seventeenth and eighteenth century. The book contains excellent reproductions of engraving and colour photographs of the Regional Museum of Messina, that reveal architectural fragments surviving the earthquake of 1968.

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