Guidelines for accessibility in the historic city of Valletta
Shirley Cefai
Formato 17 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-88-32240-70-2
pagine 68
anno edizione: 2021
Autore: Shirley Cefai .
The I-Access project has developed innovative solutions in the historic city centres of Palermo and Valletta to improve physical and intellectual accessibility of cultural heritage, which is also a catalyst of community integration and development for the two countries, who share a number of common challenges.
Thanks to the cross-border exchange of experiences, the interdisciplinary project parnership, including both municipal administrations as well as the Soprintendenza of the Sicily Region, has developed and tested new methodologies and approaches to improve accessibility and interpretation of cultural heritage in the two historic centres, and to define Best Practice guidelines that may be adapted to other contexts, to contribute to the quality of life, the enjoyment of cultural heritage, and to the sustainable economic development of historic cities.